Real Change Takes a Team Approach
"Medical science has proven time and again that when the resources are provided, great progress in the treatment, cure, and prevention of disease can occur."
-Michael J. Fox-
Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death in the US after heart disease and cancer.
According to the World Health Organization, the US ranks 37th among the world's national health care systems.
The U.S. has the highest rate of deaths attributable to health care among comparable countries.
Why Do We Need Team GoodCare?
Team GoodCare’s mission is to engage stakeholders in planning and preparing for physicians’ role in the high-functioning health care system of tomorrow. A re-envisioned health care system must connect with the needs of the population and the professional mission of its providers, as the guide for essential changes.
Arenas for Team GoodCare’s collaborations are 1) relevant medical education, 2) enhanced physician/care team support for clinical practice, and 3) a need-and mission-based national infrastructure for implementation.

Are/were you a patient or caregiver seeking general information about clinical error?
At Team GoodCare, you'll learn more about the human side of health care; find resources about types of errors and error rates; and share your medical story.

Are/were you a physician/health care provider?
Do you feel that your professional education did not fully prepare you for medical practice; that you are not well-supported by available technology and processes where you practice; or are inconvenienced professionally by commercial and political interests and priorities in the health care system?
At Team GoodCare, you will enter a realm of possible solution-spaces for the future and find out how you can make a difference.

Are/were you a health care system leadership professional or stakeholder?
Do you understand that today’s medical education does not adequately prepare physicians to meet the health care needs of today, let alone in the future?
Are you aware of the disruption in the health care system caused by commercial and political interests competing with professional commitment? Do you see clearly that physician leadership and guidance, and moral and ethical influence, are essential for solving the crippling issues in today’s health care system?
At Team GoodCare, you will reach a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of future-looking issues and possibilities, and how you can contribute your concern and expertise.